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The Official Guide

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The Artifacts and Relic Collection Table
Croft Manor: 8 Artifacts 0 Relic
Mountain Caves: 3 Artifacts 1 Relic
The City of Vilcabamba: 1 Artifact 0 Relic
The Lost Valley: 2 Artifacts 1 Relic
The Tomb of Qualopec: 2 Artifacts 0 Relic
St. Francis's Folly: 6 Artifacts 0 Relic
The Coliseum: 1 Artifact 0 Relic
Midas's Palace: 1 Artifact 2 Relics
The Tomb of Tihocan: 2 Artifacts 0 Relic
The Temple of Khamoon: 3 Artifacts 1 Relic
The Obelisk of Khamoon: 4 Artifacts 0 Relic
The Sanctuary of the Scion: 2 Artifacts 1 Relic
Natla's Mines: 4 Artifacts 1 Relic
The Great Pyramid: 0 Artifacts 1 Relic
Final Conflict: 4 Artifacts 0 Relic
Grand Total: 45 Artifacts 8 Relics
Anniversary Outfit Avail. From Start ---
Legend Outfit Peru 50% of Relics
Dooplganger (Bacon Lara) Lost City 100% of Relics
Camouflage (AOD) Egypt 50% of Relics
Golden Lara Greece 100% of Relics
Croft Manor Sport Greece 50% of Relics
Classic (TR1) Peru 100% of Relics
Wetsuit (TR2) Lost City 50% of Relics
Catsuit (TR4) Egypt 100% of Relics
Scorched Natla ALL LEVELS 100% of ALL Relics
Cheat Chapter Acquisition Details
All Weapons Greece Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Golden Shotgun (One Shot Kills) Lost City Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Infinite Health Egypt Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Infinite .50 Calibur Pistol Ammo Peru Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Infinite Mini SMG Ammo Egypt Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Silver Mini SMGs Lost City Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Sunglasses All -- Finish Game
Textureless Mode All -- Finish Game
Show Enemy Health Peru Complete Time Trial Finish Game
Infinite Breath All -- Finish Game

Allies and Adversaries

laracroft.jpg Lara Croft Lara Croft is an adventure, world traveler, and archaeologist who seeks out tombs and relics, fuelled by an obsession to uncover the secrets of the great, ancient civilizations. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants!
larson.jpg Larson Conway A former United States Marine lieutenant with seven years Special Ops experience, Larson was given a dishonorable discharge after a violent disagreement with his commanding officer -- the nature of which was never made public. Following his release from military prison, Larson put his military experience to good use, forging an admirable reputation with private mercenary forces around the world. Recently he has taken a contract with Natla Technologies, and that has brought him face to face with an old adversary from his past: Lara Croft.
kid.jpg Jerome "The Kid" Johnson The Kid was small-time gang leader in Los Angeles until his crew tried to carjack Jacqueline Nata's limousine. Natla's bodyguard, Kin Kade, eliminated the entire gang but spared the Kid at his empolyer's request. Natla needed a contact in the West Coast criminal underground and the fast-talking Kid fit the job description. The Kid holds a grudge against Kin Kade for the murder of his blood brothers, but he's just smart enough not to act on any retaliatory impules.
koldkinkade.jpg "Kold" Kin Kade Kind Kade is Jacqueline Natla's bodyguard. It is difficult to know what hold she has over him, because he is a brutal and vicious killer, as his criminal record shows. Kin Kade spent 15 years in jail after being apprehended by police in the middle of a vicious and distrubingly elaborate murder. He earned the name "Kold" in prison, where his sociopathic behavior and the unexplained deaths of several cellmates resulted in him spending most of his term in solitary confinement. Despite all this, his tenure in lock-up only seems to have refinded his innate talents. Over fevent protests from the prison psychiatrist, he was released on parole into the custody of Jacquenline Nata.
pierre.jpg Pierre DuPont Pierre is one of Lara's archaeological rivals. In the history of the field, nobody has chased the spotlight more than him. Publicly, he has been credited with several high-profile archaeological discoveries, yet like Lara, he has been accused of tampering with the sites before informing others of his finds. Though he bills himself as the consummate archaeologist, among rich collectors he is known for what he is: a treasure hunter who is adept at finding what people want - for the right price. Pierre is good at what he does, but in the end he raids tombs for profit, not for any real love of the mysteries of the past.
natla.jpg Jacqueline Natla Owner and CEO of Natla Technologies, one of the world's largest electronic companies, Natla holds several key computer hardware patents, and her research and development department is one of the industry's most secretive and prolific innovators. Little is known about Miss Natla's private life other than she never gives interviews and rarely makes public appearances. Coleagues and business rivals alike say she is intimidatingly intelligent and a demanding perfectionist.
baconlara.jpg Flesh Doppelganger (Bacon Lara) A hideous creature with no skin, the soppelganger mysteriously shares the exact physical characteristics of Lara Croft. Possessing only the most basic primal instincts, the creature mimics the actions of its adversaries. Lacking conscience, reason, and any kind of soul, the doppelganger is both very dangeriou and quite vulnerable.
* Lost City = Alantis* SPECIAL THANKS to Shrensh and Ms.Croft with the table coding!* I may add the Cinematics, Character Bios, Art Galleries, Commentaries, Music, and Special at a later date. IMO, it's not as important as the ones above.Source: OFFICIAL GAME GUIDE by Prima Edited by BPanther
Added Character Bios
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