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Tombraider 3 Group Play

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Nevada Desert is down. The last area in the level, where you use the quad bike, was kind of fun, and didn't pose much of a challenge. That's what I like. I like the puzzles and the kill-this-guy-to-grab-this-key-to-open-this-door stunts you have to do. Not the take-forever-to-climb-a-dam-that-you'll-probably-fall-off-of stunts.

Lara's been captured by the guys in Area 51, and her arsenal has been stolen from her. Time to break out some inmates and call a JAILBREAK! I've beaten this level before. Kinda like it!

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After the hot dry climate of Nevada with its high tech, fast paced thrills and spills and bad tempered residents who'd shoot you as soon as look at you, we travel next to the hot wet climate of the South Pacific and the laid-back atmosphere (yeah, right) of that charming and peaceful (not) beach resort known as Coastal Village, with its friendly and hospitable inhabitants (pull the other one, it's got bells on) who will give you a welcome you won't soon forget (PTSD, anyone?).

This is a middling challenging level. As the game progresses, the levels get tougher and I think you really start notice it here. Be very careful setting up for jumps, particularly standing jumps - there are times when you'll need to step back a pace or two in order not to fatally overshoot - and be prepared to twist while in flight to ensure a safe landing. Another hazard to watch out for is getting poisoned - as well as dart traps, Lara has guys with blowpipes to contend with and unlike the snakes, these lads do not staty rooted in one spot and if you don't have your wits about you, the first you'll know that they're there is when the health meter turns pus-yellow. Watch out particularly for the second guy in the big flooded cavern if you're taking the Smuggler's key route. If your lucky, Lara can kill him from the lower level, but he has a habit of withdrawing out of range and you'll have to make the clim before finishing him off.

The big feature of this level is that while it has a Secrets quota of 3, there are actually four Secrets in total and it is possible to collect all of them, which means you can miss one later on in the game and still get to the bonus level. At the beginning of the level, there are two alternative paths to get to the actual village and there is a Secret to be found on each. If you want to overachieve the Secrets, take the Smuggler's Key route first (remember to collect the key before you come ashore) then, instead using the ramp in the temple to slide down to the village, turn around and plunge into the water. The current will take Lara and deposit her on the platform near the second Serpent Stone. You can then gather the Serpent Stones and reach the village that way.

Taking this composite route, I recommend 4 save points:

1) When you emerge from the cavern on to the rickety bridge, just before making the side trip to collect Secret #2a

2) When you've slide down the slope just beyond the Serpent Stone gates, before heading for the village proper.

3) Just before making the jump to the platform above the fire to start the final run-in.

Confession time: I got Lara killed four times: first after getting the second Serpent Stone, I made the jump back to platfrom from two far forward and fatally overshot; second when coming back from getting the first Serpent Stone (and Secret #2b), I made a running rather than standing jump and fatally overshot; third when climbing the first ladder after getting the first 2 Serpent Stones, I failed to traverse far enough to the right and so missed the floor and kebabed poor Lara on the spikes below and fourth when starting the final run in, I made the stupid fatal mistake of pressing the second button (and set Lara on fire).

As far as my official stats are concerned, I've yet to use a single medipack of either size anywhere in the game. However, in a spirit of total honesty and candour, that's not the full story. On one of the failed runs terminated by Lara's demise, I managed to get her hit by a poison dart on the rock pillar in the mud pool when setting up for the jump to get the large medipack from the rocks to the side. On two other occasions, Lara was poisoned by the blowdart men and only managed to avoid using a medipack because I knew a crystal was only a short distance away. Even so, it's pretty scary seeing the health meter turn yellow and drain away. It was touch and go whether or not Lara'd make it to the end of the level without using a medipack because she took enough damage on the final run-in to have the health meter flashing dangerously critical when she reached the exit point.

Level Stats:

Time: 00:50:34

Secrets: 4/3

Kills: 22

Ammo Used: 890

Hits: 759

Health Packs Used 0.0

Distance Travelled: 3.58 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

(first level of zone, no point in doing zone cumulative stats)

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 05:15:18

Secrets: 27/26

Kills: 147

Ammo Used: 3431

Hits: 2913

Health Packs Used 0.0

Distance Travelled: 22.34 km



Shotgun + 20 rounds

Desert Eagle + 43 rounds

2 x UZI Clips

MP5 + 440 rounds

2 x Rockets

Grenade Launcher + 18 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 21 rounds

39 x Flares

11 x Large Medipacks

18 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Swamp Map

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That's it. I have to get these babies rolling. Even if I break out some level skippage.

I stumbled halfhazardly through the later half of the level and half-drowned getting behind the waterfall, but I made it xD I got 0 of 5 secrets.


My very first thought: "THE FUDGE IS THIS? A MAZE? IT IS ISN'T IT. DANG." but stella helped a lot.

guys. this game is killing me. I hadn't saved and got killed by the boulder. FRUST.

That was one graphic cutscene! :o

Onward, to Nevada! :) Maybe Lara can stop by Vegas. Seems like she would like it there.

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That's it. I have to get these babies rolling. Even if I break out some level skippage.

I stumbled halfhazardly through the later half of the level and half-drowned getting behind the waterfall, but I made it xD I got 0 of 5 secrets.


My very first thought: "THE FUDGE IS THIS? A MAZE? IT IS ISN'T IT. DANG." but stella helped a lot.

guys. this game is killing me. I hadn't saved and got killed by the boulder. FRUST.

That was one graphic cutscene! :o

Onward, to Nevada! :) Maybe Lara can stop by Vegas. Seems like she would like it there.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the game PAST India. I think India was cool for the first level, but after that...when I wasn't on my quad bike I was pretty darn bored. :( Nevada has been fun though! I played through Nevada Desert and am on High Security Compound now. I absolutely LOVE the levels where Lara doesn't have his weapons, but must survive on wits alone. LOVE LOVE LOVE <3

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@hunter yeah, I was messing around in Nevada earlier and I like it. I liked the level in TR2 (offshore oil rig?) where Lara doesn't have any weapons. And in TR1 when the henchmen take them. Excitement! I may go play more now.

Nevada Desert!

I am really liking the lack of greenery! So far I've fended for myself quite well. I'm enjoying myself now. I like Lara's pants.

Of course so far I've had to start over three times, but I like speedrunning to my current spot. I have to wonder if you would actually die instantly from falling on barbed wire. I always did think Lara was a little dramatic.

I know I about died when I was on that ledge and a random jet came flying out of nowhere. XD What even?

It sure is easy to fall off ledges. Maybe eventually I'll stop relying on auto-grab. Lara isn't even talking to me anymore :'D

Oh my gosh I think I've died 5 times and I aint even mad.

As a side note, no, you cannot impale yourself on the cacti. I tried. ;D

It's pretty rediculous how many times I've fallen off a ledge and had to start completely over again. This isn't a hard level, but it's just PRECARIOUS. I got to secret #2 and died again so I'm about to call it a day. At least I know how do do half the level fairly quickly now!

But you're right, Hunter. It picks up after India.

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And so we continue our exploration of this lovely tropic isle as we visit the Crash Site.

I'd rate this level as my third favourite overall, it's pretty challenging but a veteran raider should be able to get through without hitting any major frustration point. It breaks down quite nicely into sections: crossing the swamp, the compsognathus room, Lieutenant Tuckerman's Key, Commander Bishop's Key, the monkey swing cavern and finally the raptor battle.

Two main decisions you need to make: firstly, how do you deal with the soldiers? They won't attack you if you leave them alone, but on the other hand, when dead they cough up MP5 clips (which Lara has great need of). My favoured method is this: don't intervene when they fight the raptors, instead stand by kill whoever survives the fight. That way you'll get the ammo and by letting them fight one another you can cut down on Lara's ammo expenditure. Second big decision: how do you deal with the T-Rex? If you want to preserve your ammo and don't mind getting Lara killed a few times, don't kill the raptors in the upper level and treat the levers as a "perisher puzzle" with the T-Rex as the hazard. Once you've opened the gates back to the upper level, the raptors (plus one more) will come down and fight the T-Rex - but they'll be so busy with each other that Lara can slip past unnoticed. If you don't mind using up ammo but hate re-spawning, go into the big puddle (as long as Lara is between waist and knee deep she'll be able to use her weapon and the T-Rex won't attack. Use the MP5 - it uses up a lot of ammo but you should still end the level with more MP5 rounds than you started.

I recommend 4 save points:

1) Once you've successfully crossed the swamp (don't forget Secret #1)

2) Before going for Tuckerman's Key

3) Before going for Bishops's Key

4) After getting Bishop's Key

I actually managed to do this level all on one life (sort of: I abandoned one run and reloaded because I didn't like the way it was developing). I used one small medipack mid-way through the raptor battle at the end. With hindsight, it wasn't actually necessary but I wasn't to know that at the time and I alwasy think it's very embarrassing to lose Lara to cumulative damage rather than a single massive blow.

Madubu Gorge next - not one of my favourite levels.

Level Stats:

Time: 00:46:20

Secrets: 3/3

Kills: 84

Ammo Used: 1366

Hits: 1123

Health Packs Used 0.5

Distance Travelled: 2.73 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 01:36:54

Secrets: 7/6

Kills: 106

Ammo Used: 2256

Hits: 1882

Health Packs Used 0.5

Distance Travelled: 6.31 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 06:01:38

Secrets: 30/29

Kills: 231

Ammo Used: 4797

Hits: 4036

Health Packs Used 0.5

Distance Travelled: 25.07 km



Shotgun + 15 rounds

Desert Eagle + 37 rounds

4 x UZI Clips

MP5 + 740 rounds

2 x Rockets

Grenade Launcher + 20 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 21 rounds

65 x Flares

14 x Large Medipacks

20 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

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And now Madubu Gorge is done.

As I think I mentioned above, this is not one my favourite levels. The only good thing I have to say about it is you get the Rocket Launcher. Firstly, the atmosphere is dull - grey rock and blue/white water do not make for an inspiring colour scheme. Secondly there are far too may long stretches where you have to sustain a very high level of concentration. Jumps need to be made from precisely the right starting point on exactly the right heading. There are several places where Lara can get set on fire - and mostly there isn't any safe water that she can put it out with. The kayak is a beast to control - and there is almost no way you can do the big kayak run without taking significant damage. There is supposed to be a route through where you can largely avoid damage - but I've never managed to achieve it. I just bite the bullet and go for the quickest way, using medipacks as needed. This time I managed the run burning one large medipack and then used the crystal associated with Secret #3 to fully restore Lara's health. And do not talk to me about the halitosisaurs ...

I recommend 3 save points:

1) Just before making the return jump from the wooden platform to the stone ledge after collecting Secret #2. The jump's a tricky one - you've got to angle Lara so that she misses the landing point if her trajectory is straight but twist to the right while in flight in order to land safely. You might not manage it first time (as it happens, this time I did) and failure means death for Lara

2) After completing the big kayak run, once you've got Lara safely on to terra firma.

3) After completing the big monkey swing section.

Confession time: I'm not sure how many times I got Lara killed. At least twice I messed up the jump to the mid-stream rock at the beginning of the level. At least once I messed up the slide/jump/grab just after Secret #1 and ended up in the firepit. Twice (I think) I messed up the backflip/slide/grab to collect Secret #2 and went sailing into the rapids. At least three times I messed up the return jumps coming back from getting the goodies at Secret #3. At least twice I fell victim to the final fire breathing statue. On two occasions I ended up in the fire pit while trying to avoid triggering the third boulder of the quadruple boulder trap. And finally, when I was returning to the kayak for final run-in, I made the mistake of jumping into the water from behind the kayak: momentum took Lara out of the safe pool and that was that.

I reckon this is a level that is almost impossible to do without using medipacks, even if you know where the danger points are. I didn't even try.

Temple of Puna next - which I like even less than Madubu gorge ..

Level Stats:

Time: 00:35:25

Secrets: 3/3

Kills: 11

Ammo Used: 517

Hits: 468

Health Packs Used 3.0

Distance Travelled: 2.64 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 02:12:19

Secrets: 10/9

Kills: 117

Ammo Used: 2773

Hits: 2350

Health Packs Used 3.5

Distance Travelled: 8.95 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 06:37:03

Secrets: 33/32

Kills: 242

Ammo Used: 5314

Hits: 4504

Health Packs Used 3.5

Distance Travelled: 27.71 km



Shotgun + 17 rounds

Desert Eagle + 37 rounds

6 x UZI Clips

MP5 + 860 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 4 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 21 rounds

72 x Flares

14 x Large Medipacks

20 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

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Nevada! Day 2.

I was excited to return! I'm still not past the first level, but that's okay. Hopefully I can get'er done before I have to leave to go see Insidious at me local 3-dollar theatre.

I can now speedrun to the first rock ladder, but I've been having a lot of trouble making the jump. Bah.

WOT! I GOT IT! YES! woohoo! now I'm in uncharted territory, so I can slow it a bit with the parkour.

I think it makes a great difference if I'm outside or not O.O (whether I get really annoyed) If I feel really isolated I get really bored with a level, but out in the open is nice.

This level is murder for the impatient. Fall off one ledge, do most of the level over again.

This is starting to get a bit annoying. I've reloaded probably 9 times.

The jumps in this level are just excrutiatingly precarious.

I've made a rule for myself from here on out: Only bother with save crystals and medipacks.

Cranky guy, as Stella put it, was suprisingly easy to kill. Easier than a rattlesnake. I think that's actually pretty realistic. You only have to shoot a guy once, but if I was trying to kill a rattlesnake I'd shoot it about 12 times for good measure too!

Well, I'm making considerable headway but I have to go now. Back later for part three. (hopefully the last part in Nevada.)

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I actually finished TR 3 the other day. Might start it again just to struggle along with you guys :) Will play on the Playstation by the way.

I have this dilemma though, my disc is so scratched that weird very loud tones start to sound if I simply climb up a ledge or traverse the "QUICKSAND" mud :/

Simple solution: Either press the start button or take the sound effects off all together. No biggie.

I'll post up my stats of my first and second runs through later tomorrow 8P

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FINAL STATISTICS (Technically of my second run through. On my first run I ran out of supplies in Antarctica because I had decided to complete Nevada last)

Time Taken: 11hrs:43min:21sec

Secrets Found: 60 of 59 (Thanks to Stella :))

Kills: 436

Ammo Used: 6758

Hits: 6247

Health Packs Used: 35.5 (Lara's a healthy girl)

Distance Travelled: 70.86km

Now on to my third run through.

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India- Jungle

Time Taken: 21min:23sec

Secrets Found: 6 of 6

Kills: 9

Ammo Used: 112

Hits: 98

Health Packs Used: 0.0

Distance Travelled: 2.15km

Saves: 0

Times Killed: 0

I know this jungle like the back of my hand. This is the only level that I could complete as a young raider :). This was a very easy level and most of the secrets were basically handed to the player.

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Oooooo...Area 51 is about to allow me to go theory-crazy. I beat it and found 1 secret, even though I'm sure I've gotten the other secrets before. IDK. I just wanted to get to the South Pacific Islands. :D

So first, note that inside the UFO there are four seats. One ET is in a chamber in the room with the whales, the other is on the table in the room near the UFO, and two are inside sealed chambers in the UFO seating room. I'm thinking that these chambers are like cryo-chambers. Once the aliens crashed they must've sealed themselves in the chambers so that they could be reawakened some day. Perhaps they sent out a distress call, and that's the cause of all future UFO sightings. The other aliens are looking for the crashed UFO with Element 115. Anyways, two of the aliens didn't make it into the sealed chambers. While the other two sealed themselves up, the other ET's were probably trying to protect the ship. One got killed, and that's why he's (it's) on the dissection table in the room outside the UFO.

Now the big question. Why was Element 115 in the possession of aliens in the first place? As we know, a meteor crashed on prehistoric Antarctica which was worshiped by ancient Polynesians who then crafted five shards from it. Four of the shards (we're un-including the Lost Artifact for now) were found by Darwin and his team, and then sold off upon their return to civilization. So how on Earth (pun intended) did the aliens come across the meteorite shard if they were already crashed on Earth and sealed in Area 51? Unless...unless the aliens were seeking the meteorite shard. Their people sent four ET's out on a journey to track down and obtain the shard for its untold power. They traveled to Earth where they found the piece in Area 51. They zapped it aboard their ship, but before they could takeoff, the shard's power became uncontrollable. Their ship wouldn't takeoff again. Instead, it crashed back down into Area 51. Two of the aliens fled to the cryo-chambers, but the other two knew they had to do something to protect what they'd traveled so far to obtain! They exited the ship. One got killed. The other captured. But they had succeeded. They'd sealed their ship with Element 115 inside. And it would stay their for generations until Lara, oh Lara, would come by and take it back.

That's my theory! :)

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Unless...unless the aliens were seeking the meteorite shard. Their people sent four ET's out on a journey to track down and obtain the shard for its untold power. They traveled to Earth where they found the piece in Area 51. They zapped it aboard their ship, but before they could takeoff, the shard's power became uncontrollable. Their ship wouldn't takeoff again. Instead, it crashed back down into Area 51. Two of the aliens fled to the cryo-chambers, but the other two knew they had to do something to protect what they'd traveled so far to obtain! They exited the ship. One got killed. The other captured. But they had succeeded. They'd sealed their ship with Element 115 inside. And it would stay their for generations until Lara, oh Lara, would come by and take it back.That's my theory! :)

That would explain the Roswell UFO incident :) But what about if the aliens were actually in the same quest as Willard. What about if the meteorite is so rare and powerful that they went to get the artifacts to retrieve the meteorite and its infinite powers but in the end all they found was death... Just as Willard did *smirk*...

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Another level (Temple of Puna) achieved, third zone (South Pacific) accomplished and 3 artifacts now in Lara's backpack (which must have been made on Gallifrey ;) )

I was not looking forward to this level and my experience completely lived down to my expectations. This is actually the easiest level to navigate through - there isn't any maze to get lost in or anywhere you can take a wrong turning or where the route ahead isn't clear; but considering its size, no other level has quite so much scope proportionately for finishing in a literal dead end. First you've got a squad of blowdart guys to deal with (use the MP5) then there's the big multiwheel/blade contraption, followed by a descending spike wall (at least somebody at CORE was feeling kind when they decided to give you the option of pulling out the block) and a double boulder trap, with another pair of blowdart guys to waste before you finally get to confront the big boss Puna himself, and hardly any time to catch your breath between each traumatic event. Another reason I dislike this level so much is that the very first time I played the game, the blade/wheel thing was a major frustration point for me.

The battle with boss-man Puna is a bitch-and-a-half, too - I rate it the most difficult of all the boss fights. What makes it so difficult is that it is just so complicated. His defence is better than Tony's - it takes a lot more hits to put paid to him thanks to his shield contraption. His offence is just as formidable - again one hit and Lara is toast. Luckily, he is just as slow as Tony at shifting his aim once you get Lara into her jump & shoot rhythm. But what makes the fight so difficult is that every so often, he conjures up a halitosisaurus to be an ally. Not only will Lara almost certainly get poisoned at least once, they will try to push her off the platform into the bottomless pit, given half a chance. To top all that off, once you've killed the bugger, you then have to get Lara back into her jump & shoot rhythm before Puna can fry her, having first made sure that she's not in a position and orientation where her first jump will send her sailing into the pit. And all this not only once, but several times over.

I recommend 4 save points:

1) Just before you slide down to deal with the blade/wheel thing

2) Just after you've got past it, before facing the descending spike wall (if you're not quick enough with the block, it can still catch you out)

3) Just before you pull the lever to activate the double boulder trap

4) Just before you enter Puna's sanctum sanctorum

Confession time: I didn't keep a count of how many times I got Lara killed, but it was far too many. Embarassing to relate - the first time Lara reached the descending spike wall, I got her killed as I was too slow with the block. I hadn't saved before dropping down - so of course it took me two attempts to get past the blade/wheel thing again (that was when I decided to add the save after beating it to the list). Only two bright spots to relate. First - I had only one failed attempt at the double boulder trap and secondly, I didn't have the embarrasment of getting so into the boss fight that I took my eye off the health meter when Lara got poisoned. The very first time I played the game (many years ago, soon after it first came out) - I killed Puna after the Flying Spaghetti Monster only knows how many attempts, getting Lara poisoned on the final succesful attempt but didn't notice that I mis-hit the button when trying to burn a medipack, so it didn't work and then ran out of health before I could grab the artifact - so I had it all to do again.

On to London next - which, with the exception of the Lud's Gate underwater section, I actually quite like - in spite of the fact that all the levels are pretty challenging.

Level Stats:

Time: 00:11:28

Secrets: 1/1

Kills: 13

Ammo Used: 687

Hits: 678

Health Packs Used 3.5

Distance Travelled: 955 m

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 02:23:47

Secrets: 11/10

Kills: 130

Ammo Used: 3460

Hits: 3028

Health Packs Used 7.0

Distance Travelled: 9.90 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 06:48:31

Secrets: 34/33

Kills: 255

Ammo Used: 6001

Hits: 5182

Health Packs Used 7.0

Distance Travelled: 28.66 km



Shotgun + 15 rounds

Desert Eagle + 67 rounds

6 x UZI Clips

MP5 + 808 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 4 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 21 rounds

79 x Flares

15 x Large Medipacks

17 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Ora Dagger

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That would explain the Roswell UFO incident :) But what about if the aliens were actually in the same quest as Willard. What about if the meteorite is so rare and powerful that they went to get the artifacts to retrieve the meteorite and its infinite powers but in the end all they found was death... Just as Willard did *smirk*...

Wait...Willard dies? I've never played this before, so I didn't know he was bad. :(

Just joking

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HAHA Hunter I love the prolonged "just joking." xD


So I just found the compound thingy. These bros aren't even paying attention to me. Some government we have. sigh.

So there's a heavily armed woman wearing a belly shirt running around outside some thing that you're supposed to guard heavily, and you don't even notice. You think they would AT LEAST noticed a woman in a belly shirt. my word.

So. These dudes aren't even armed. What kind of facility IS this?! haha, oh well. makes mine and Lara's jobs easier. One of the guys reminded me of Mr. T. I would of taken a screenshot but I'm lazy, and on a playstation.

Who puts an acess card on a roof. T__T really. and why is it so huge! it's the size of a piece of paper! xD lololol!

Oh my gosh. Stella. "computer technician/ pool shark" I LOVE THAT. oh my gosh. hahahahaha!

Y'know. The office is really making me laugh. :D computer nerd paradise. complete with posters and a pool table. there needs to be empty chip bags and a box of donuts.

Well then! off to the compund!

I'm just messing around. so...I wake up in a cell, go to look out the window, and some guy walks in and beats me to death. IF THEY WERE GOING TO KILL ME, COULD THEY NOT HAVE DONE SO WHILE I WAS UNCONSCIOUS? gosh.

on my second messing around try, I released a thug dude and he killed the agent xD I was like "HIGH FIVE BRO" but he seemed less than amused at my enthusiasm. nevertheless, we had a lovely conversation about ducks.

He didn't give me a name so I'm calling him James.

I released the other thugs, and they all seem nice.

Isn't that great, the government officials beat me but the thugs share my interest in ducks? I think I'll form a duck appriciation club with them.

I think I'll stop here and do it over tomorrow :D

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Okay so I just finished the Temple Ruins of the Jungle (Yes I know I'm Slow).

Got Lara killed... twice... Both times by mistake. The first one was when two boulders come racing behind Lara and there's a hole with spikes which Lara is supposed to jump over and then right after that another spiked floor with a pool next to it. It's through the route of the first Key. Well i have a bad history of running over ledges because I hold the walk button thinking shes going to walk but just ends up throwing herself down. The other death was a fall down to a ledge that was too low to get to alive (I wasn't aiming for that one by the way). This was the area with the infamous snake that bites people very quickly.

The upside is that I didn't get poisoned :D I just blasted my way through the snakes with my shotgun. A one hit kill from pointblank range.

A funny story though when I pressed the lever to fill the pool with water (for the second key) I hadn't killed the monkeys so one of them died in the pool. And for some reason, one of the monkeys was floating in the air for a moment 0_o

Jungle Temple Ruins

Time Taken: 37min:11sec

Secrets Found: 4 of 4

Kills: 28

Ammo Used: 354

Hits: 303

Health Packs Used: 2.5

Distance Travelled: 4.9km

Saves: 3

Times Killed: 2

Now onto the quad bike :D :D :D

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I rate it the most difficult of all the boss fights. What makes it so difficult is that it is just so complicated. His defence is better than Tony's - it takes a lot more hits to put paid to him thanks to his shield contraption. His offence is just as formidable - again one hit and Lara is toast. Luckily, he is just as slow as Tony at shifting his aim once you get Lara into her jump & shoot rhythm. But what makes the fight so difficult is that every so often, he conjures up a halitosisaurus to be an ally. Not only will Lara almost certainly get poisoned at least once, they will try to push her off the platform into the bottomless pit, given half a chance.

I find that this is one of the more easier bosses to deal with. I just back-flip once (after he turns around) and then left once then right once (obviously repeating this until Puna dies). This way you never fall into the pit. Shooting him with the MP5 lets you only shoot in the air so every bullet shot is a successful hit because in mid air his shield is down. If the creatures come out continue with the MP5 and blast the fools. They don't hold up to the MP5. If done correctly the creatures should only be summoned once and Puna should be dead quick.

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Alright guys, I made us a Tinychat room. You don't have to have a webcam to join, because there's also a chat box. You also don't have to be playing when you talk, but it would be really fun to. I'm still trying to figure out how to change to URL to something less stupid, but for now it's http://tinychat.com/ugvqr :) Hope I see some of you guys there!

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reflecting upon what I learned from my last post, I think I'm going to like this level. And my new friends :D

Well, I don't know. I'm finding this compund incredibly boring, although it's fun to let my friends beat up people for me. Like a bunch of big brothers.

ARG! so I had to reload from the beginning, and when I let my bro out the guard killed him! I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


raa! we'll pick this up again later.

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reflecting upon what I learned from my last post, I think I'm going to like this level. And my new friends :D

Well, I don't know. I'm finding this compund incredibly boring, although it's fun to let my friends beat up people for me. Like a bunch of big brothers.

ARG! so I had to reload from the beginning, and when I let my bro out the guard killed him! I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


raa! we'll pick this up again later.

As I said in my High Security Compound review, these guys have serious anger management issues. I'm not sure whether they were tossed in the slammer because of those issues or whether it was being in the slammer that caused them.

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So many senseless deaths :( twice killed by piranhas and the others by diving into the river with the quad bike... Funny thing this was all in the beginning to get the first secret :D

The River Ganges

Time Taken: 16min:56sec

Secrets Found: 5 0f 5

Kills: 7

Ammo Used: 60

Hits: 46

Health Packs Used: 0.5

Distance Travelled: 1.63km

Saves: 2

Times Killed: 6

Through curiosity I started examining the raft Tony rides through the Ganges and noticed that the raft is built from wood and containers and one container has three letters on them: "CAS". But on different angles it looks like it also might spell "GAS". What about if Tony really doesn't have powers but he's just harnessing the usefulness of a match and gas...

Caves Of Kaliya

Time Taken: 5min:31sec

Secrets Found: NONE

Kills: 11

Ammo Used: 132

Hits: 122

Health Packs Used: 0.5

Distance Travelled: 509m

Saves: 1

Times Killed: 0

I find Tony to be a very easy boss. I simply jump to where he's at and when he throws the flames into the air that are gonna came straight at Lara, I just jump straight up. The flame that's in the air won't hurt Lara but when it hits the ground and shes on it, you better go ahead and press the menu key to reload your game. Other than that I'm over the jungle and now unto Nevada. Or maybe I'll go crazy and leave Nevada for last......

Edited by Raider MiGZ
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And so we arrive in cold, gloomy, rainy London for a nocturnal adventure among the roof-tops and abandoned warehouses of Thames Wharf.

This, in spite of the pervasive gloomy atmosphere is a level that I actually quite like. It's very challenging - some of the moves can be a bit tricky but once you know what you're doing Lara will be all right. The human enemies are pretty nasty - I leanded pretty heavily on the Desert Eagle and the MP5 but the non-humans aren't too bad. The robot welding machine is evil, but at least you're not doing it against the clock.

I recommend 4 save points:

1) After collecting Secret #1

2) When you arrive back the start of the Level after the first trip to the opposite building

3) When you arrive at the Pump Control Room

4) When you surface in the flooded Cathedral nave

A tip: getting in to the recess where the Cathedral Key/Secret #4 is to be found can be a bit tricky as the slope section is too high and far away to be cleared directly by the jump. The trick is to have to keep the forward button pressed while Lara is in flight, so she hits the ground running; gives her enough momentum to get over the edge.

Confession time: I didn't keep an accurate count of how many times I killed Lara - but it was far too many, mostly due to the fact that it's a while since I last did this level, so I was having to relearn as I went along. Most embarrassing death was going for Secret #2 - I forgot to kill the crow first, so Lara got attacked, lost her grip on the wall and plunged to her doom.

Level Stats:

Time: 00:58:37

Secrets: 5/5

Kills: 26

Ammo Used: 257

Hits: 162

Health Packs Used 0.0

Distance Travelled: 3.13 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

(First level in zone)

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 07:47:08

Secrets: 39/38

Kills: 281

Ammo Used: 6258

Hits: 5344

Health Packs Used 7.0

Distance Travelled: 31.79 km



Shotgun + 27 rounds

Desert Eagle + 55 rounds

10 x UZI Clips

MP5 + 764 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 6 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 27 rounds

103 x Flares

19 x Large Medipacks

26 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Ora Dagger

Cathedral Key

Edited by Didaktylos
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