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Posted (edited)

Aldwych now done.

I would probably rate this one as my second favourite level. It's very challenging (I'd have to say that this was not by best attempt at it). I'd consider the descending drill to be the nastiest of the "perisher puzzles" so far - there are so many move sequences that you have to get pretty well spot-on as regards timing because as well as the primary hazard of the drill, you can get yourself killed by dropping down the shaft. One of the nice things about the level is the enemies aren't too difficult to deal with. With just one exception, Lara shouldn't have to use up her hard gathered ammunition, and you're never all that far away from a crystal, so if you're playing the PC game, an experienced raider should definitely not need to burn any medipacks. And best of all - Lara should have a complete arsenal by the time the level is complete.

A couple of tips: when dropping on to the ticket booths in the Booking Hall, don't shoot at the Damned guy from the first booth you drop on to. Lara can kill him from here, but if she does, the guy won't give up the medipack. When killing the Damned guy before opening the door to the Masonic Temple area, use the shotgun rather than the pistols - the quicker you kill him the easier it is to beat the train.

I recommend 5 save points:

1) Just before leaping across the pit at the bottom of the right hand set of escalators: it's easy to mess up that jump and land in the lower Tube tunnel; and while you've got the opportunity to delay the side trip to get the Old Penny until after you've got the first Solomon's Key, it can be tedious to wait until then.

2) Just before sliding down into the Drill Shaft - obvious reason: you probably won't beat the drill first time round

3) Just after dropping back to the open area at the above the pit at the bottom of the right hand set of escalators after collecting the first Solomon's Key

4) Just before re-emerging into the Booking Hall after collecting the second Solomon's Key

5) Just after emerging from the crawl space after completing the first Tube Train ride

Confession time: I'm not sure how many times I got Lara killed. Both the occasions where you've got to duck into a side passage to beat the Tube Trains were difficult to beat. It took more than one attempt to beat the Descending Drill most of the times I faced it because on at least 4 occasions after beating it, I got Lara killed soon after. I even abandoned runs on more than one occasion because I realised that I'd made mistakes and didn't want to backtrack (most embarrassing being the time I arrived at the Ticket Barrier having forgotten to use the Old Penny in the Booking Hall to get the ticket).

On to Lud's Gate now - my least favourite level of the whole game. :angry2:

Level Stats:

Time: 01:11:29

Secrets: 5/5

Kills: 28

Ammo Used: 609

Hits: 547

Health Packs Used 0.0

Distance Travelled: 3.13 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 02:10:06

Secrets: 10/10

Kills: 44

Ammo Used: 866

Hits: 709

Health Packs Used 0.0

Distance Travelled: 8.13 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 08:58:33

Secrets: 44/43

Kills: 309

Ammo Used: 6867

Hits: 5891

Health Packs Used 7.0

Distance Travelled: 36.79 km



Shotgun + 39 rounds

Desert Eagle + 65 rounds

UZIs + 400 rounds

MP5 + 1064 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 9 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 27 rounds

126 x Flares

24 x Large Medipacks

35 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Ora Dagger

Edited by Didaktylos
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Hey guys! How's it going? I've been playing through the South Pacific levels of TR3, and so far I've beaten Coastal Ruins and Crash Site. These levels are by far my favorite. Coastal Ruins had some gorgeous locations. I loved the temple, the smugglers' cave, the village. Just an awesome level. I loved hearing the beating of drums and chanting of the native hostiles. Such a cool level. Crash site was fun too. In the end you get this rocket-turret-like-thing and you have to kill several waves of velociraptors. I accidentally killed some of my teammates, but hey - free ammo!

I'll post more, hopefully tomorrow. Hope all is well with your playthroughs!

Posted (edited)

I have now completed Lud's Gate.

As I said above, this is my least favourite level of the game. Basically, what I dislike about this level is the long underwater section, and that the level, as a whole, goes on far too long. This is the longest level completed so far in terms of distance and time, distance particularly. I was actually quite pleased with the way I did it; I made no attempt to do it all in one stint but broke it up into sections, taking breaks between them, so I managed not to get a feeling of frustration.

There are no easy enemies to deal with in this level; in fact I don't think I used the Pistols at all. I made extensive use of the shotgun (devastating at close range), using the Desert Eagle for the big open area area around Secrets #5 & #6 and the Harpoon Gun for the underwater sections.

I do not really like the UPV - far too difficult control. On previous plays of the game, I've sometimes not bothered to use it once I've got Lara to the big Flooded Chamber: the UPV may be faster than swimming by muscle power, but what she gains in speed, she loses in manoeuvreability, so I didn't even bother trying to use it for going to and fro in the Flooded Chamber. This time, I did actually use it for the long sections, once the tasks in the Flooded Chamber were complete.

A couple of tips: when the pair of frogmen appear after you operate the third lever, don't try to fight them when you first encounter them, Lara'll be short of air by this time - so head back to the Air Pocket, refill lungs then dive down to fight (if necessary, go back for more air after defeating the first - it's better to lose a bit of health from their spearguns than drown). And if you do succeed in killing the first frogman before he can close off the second UPV, plunder the Secret Area and bring the UPV out into the open and temporarily abandon it before plundering the open area.

I recommend no less than TEN save points:

1) Once you've completed the climb after collecting Secret #2

2) Just before sliding down to make the jump to the Embalming Fluid ledge

3) Once you reach the head of the Sphinx

4) Just before dropping down the shaft to the first UPV

5) Just after abandoning the first UPV

6) Just before heading to the Flooded Chamber: after getting the final Secret/second UPV, you don't want to have to through that rigmarole again if you don't get past frogman and croc first time.

7) Upon arrival at the Air Pocket - getting past the second frogman and crocodile can be a bit tricky (I didn't manage it first time) and it will probably take more than one attempt to complete the Flooded Chamber tasks, so give yourself a fallback point so you can separate the trip here from the tasks here

8) Upon arrival at the Boiler Room Area - there's scope for getting killed here and once you've beaten the Flooded Chamber, you don't really want to have to do it again - so give yourself a fallback point just in case you get carelessly complacent (I did)

9) Upon completion of the Boiler Room Area tasks - as I said, there's enough scope for getting killed here so you don't really want to have to do it again if (as is very likely) you mess up your first attempt at the final underwater run

10) Upon completion of the final underwater run - there's still scope for getting killed in the final section of the level, so once again, give yourself a fallback point.

Confession time: once again, I didn't keep an accurate count of the times I got Lara killed; basically, just about everywhere it was possible to get Lara killed the first time you made the attempt, I probably did. There were also several times when I abandoned a run and reloaded because I knew I'd messed up.

This is a level that is very difficult to complete without using medipacks. On the final underwater run, unless you are very good at handling the UPV and you are very lucky in how you encounter the final croc, you will almost certainly run out of air before you complete it. If you decide to bit the bullet and do that final underwater run as a muscle-swim, you will definitely run out of air. Either way, you will have to burn medipacks to keep Lara alive.

And now to battle Ms Sophia Lee for the final artifact on the rooftops of the City.

Level Stats:

Time: 01:14:22

Secrets: 6/6

Kills: 15

Ammo Used: 124

Hits: 103

Health Packs Used 3.0

Distance Travelled: 5.26 km

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 03:24:28

Secrets: 16/16

Kills: 59

Ammo Used: 990

Hits: 812

Health Packs Used 3.0

Distance Travelled: 13.39 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 10:12:55

Secrets: 50/49

Kills: 324

Ammo Used: 6991

Hits: 5994

Health Packs Used 10.0

Distance Travelled: 42.05 km



Shotgun + 34 rounds

Desert Eagle + 80 rounds

UZIs + 520 rounds

MP5 + 1064 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 14 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 43 rounds

156 x Flares

30 x Large Medipacks

40 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Ora Dagger

Edited by Didaktylos

City now achieved and with it London zone now done and the full tally of artifacts has now been gathered.

City is different in style from the other two boss battles. Basically the entire level is the fight (apart from the short side trip to collect the level's sole secret). The other difference fundamental difference is that Sophia, unlike Tony and Puna, is invulnerable to Lara's weapons. This might have made her totally invincible but for the fact that he offence is considerably weaker. If Tony or Puna got a single hit, Lara was toast but she can survive 2-3 hits from Sophia before she succumbs. So basically your strategy is: keep Lara alive until you can get to the fusebox (be prepared to burn a few medipacks - but by now she should be rolling in them).

Tactical tips: firstly - keep Lara moving when she's exposed: like Tony and Puna, Sophia is slow to shift her aim. Secondly - use the landscape as a shield: there are lots of places where Lara can hide behind or hang from and the structure will absorb Sophia's lightning bolts. Also - Sophia can't keep up a continuous rate of fire; from time to time she has to stop to recharge. Use those intervals to get Lara moving. Sophia also climbs upward as the Level progresses - take advantage of those intervals, too. Thirdly - keep a close eye on Lara's health; keep her alive and she will get to the fusebox and then you can turn the tables.

I don't recommend any save points - it should be possible to do the level all in one stint as long as you can keep Lara alive.

Confession time: I didn't actually keep count of how many times I got Lara killed; I wasn't always quick enough with the medipacks and a couple of times I wasn't watching where she was going and ran her over the edge.

This is another level that is all but impossible to do without medipacks - even on the PC as there are no crystals.

Off to Antarctica now.

Level Stats:

Time: 00:10:07

Secrets: 1/1

Kills: 0 (Sophia doesn't count as Lara didn't use her weapons)

Ammo Used: 15 (When I tried to shoot the fusebox, Sophia was in Lara's targeting arc)

Hits: 1

Health Packs Used 1.5

Distance Travelled: 408 m

Cumulative stats (Zone):

Time: 03:34:35

Secrets: 17/17

Kills: 59

Ammo Used: 1005

Hits: 813

Health Packs Used 4.5

Distance Travelled: 13.80 km

Cumulative stats (Game):

Time: 10:23:02

Secrets: 51/50

Kills: 324

Ammo Used: 7006

Hits: 5998

Health Packs Used 11.5

Distance Travelled: 42.46 km



Shotgun + 34 rounds

Desert Eagle + 80 rounds

UZIs + 520 rounds

MP5 + 1064 rounds

Rocket Launcher + 14 rounds

Grenade Launcher + 22 rounds

Harpoon Gun + 43 rounds

156 x Flares

31 x Large Medipacks

42 x Small Medipacks

Artifacts collected

Infada Stone

Element 115

Ora Dagger

The Eye of Isis


Man, as slow as I'm playing, I get the idea you all are going to finish and I'm going to be in this thread talking to myself. Ah, well...I am playing on a Playstation--and it goes slowly when you have to get save crystals...and you die so many times and have to redo parts. -_- Plus, I was all high-strung this week, so I really wasn't in the mood to play. Then I got addicted to Air Sports on Wii. :lol:

I just finished Level 3: River Ganges. I liked this level. :lol: I died a lot, but I really didn't mind once I had the quad bike. So many satisfying explosions. ^_^

I fell so many times getting Secret #1. Then I got to the end room, and died on the spikes. I have to say, though, that I much prefer how the old games had you loading from the passport and saving from the other menu. If they would have done this in TR5, I wouldn't have accidentally saved when I wanted to reload.

Once I got Secret #1, I fell so many times coming back. I started realizing that I would probably be using every save crystal that I got in this level. I usually try to save a few for the next level.

I was really uncertain about the first jump you do with the quad bike. In fact, there were many jumps--whether Lara did them herself or on the bike--I was amazed were actually possible. The first time on the quad bike, though, I said, "I don't know about this." And Lara said, "Don't be a pussy!"

Secret #2--was I ever going to reach the bottom of that pit? :excl:

I didn't make the jump that comes afterward, but the explosion was nice. :P

In the area with the many ramps, I fell into a pit but didn't die. It was shallow. The quad bike really needs headlights. Had a really hard time doing second jump in multi-ramp area. I just started having fun and riding around, since I didn't die if I fell from the ramps. Then suddenly I did this Dukes of Hazzard like jump, where the quad bike was actually jumping sideways--and I made the jump. :blink: WOO-HOO! :lol:

I saved at the left path, calling it a night. Glad I saved, because I didn't make the jump--but that is the BEST EXPLOSION EVER! :lol: The quad bikes explodes three times!

@Stella--I found the left path part of the walkthrough confusing. Perhaps it would help to mention how many rooms you pass before coming to the well-lit area.

One time I died when my bike exploded and then I was eaten by piranhas. Did anyone notice that the piranhas had blood smears on their mouths, like they had wiped their mouths after eating?

Those were some big-a** vultures!

I remembered how to drive the quad bike--but I forgot how to brake. :blink: That lead to another death.

The jumps for Secret #4 were definitely difficult and hard to believe. However, I am learning for my own levels--yes it is possible to do these jumps.

Time: 1:11:16

Secrets: 5/5

Kills: 14

Ammo used: 428


Health packs used: 0---NO WAY! :blink:

Distance Traveled: 4.70 km

Well, I guess if I am here talking to myself, I won't really notice. You guys probably don't read the posts from a long wind-bag like me anyway. :P


I think I was on high security compund, but I forget. Haha! I haven't even played since the last time I posted. It was so frustrating and I'm pretty sure I have to do it all over again. Maybe eventually I'll get back to it.


OK - here is a progress report on Antarctica.

It's so long since I last did this level that I've pretty much forgotten the routes and the moves through it. I am seriously thinking of doing the level once to re-learn it and then re-doing it for the record.

One tip I can give you right away (Stella - you might like to consider this if you plan to update the walkthrough): to get the Desert Eagle clips from the water right at the beginning, don't go into the water from the level's start point. Instead, jump to the ice floe first, stand Lara at the mid point of the edge of the left section, line her up so that she's looking straight at the clips, then swan-dive (Walk+Jump+Forward). A couple of strokes will then put her right on top of them quickly.

  • 1 month later...


Is anybody still reading this thread? Well, as for me, sorry that I dropped off. My schedule has changed, and it took me a while to get accustomed to it. TR3 is not one of those games that I'm addicted to, or else I probably would have found the time. However, everytime I considered playing it, I had to ask myself, "Do I feel like getting p***ed off now?" The answer was no until today.

This was a very short level for me. I don't do anything more than what I have to, so of course I took the shortcut. I kept getting lost and had to reload. One time I fell to my death when I went into the pit that leads to the lower level. One time I got crushed by the boulder.

I had a hard time with Tony, mainly because I could not get Lara to stop looking at him. Her doing so messed up my ability to turn her so she could jump to one of the side platforms. Out of desperation, I jumped onto the platform with Tony. I caught on fire the first time, but the second time I finished him off rather easily.

Time: 10:19

Secrets: none

Kills: 11

Ammo Used: 254

Hits: 117

Health Packs: 0

Distance: 350 m



So far, I've liked this level. It is neat that she is in the States. Nothing has been frustratingly complicated. It is basic tombraiding--jumping and shooting pesky animals. The snakes are not that hard to spot, except that one that was behind the bush on a ledge. However, since I read the walkthrough, I knew to expect it.

@Stella--I did find the description for getting Secret #1 a tad confusing.

I died several times on the barbed wire.

The most startling thing was the planes zooming past.

Towards the end, I kept falling into the water. Had to reload several times.

I stopped at HEADING UPSTREAM. I'll continue from there today.


Hello everyone! Sorry I just disappeared randomly. TR3 annoyed me so much, I just quit playing. Plus school started a while ago. Once this thread finishes and if someone makes one for a game I can play, I'll rejoin.


@Caity--Sorry to lose you, but I understand.


I fell so many times into the water and had to reload.

I thought Secret #3 was a snake. The second time I replayed this, I didn't trigger the snake that guarded it.

After subduing cranky guy, I forgot about the snake (the second time) in the bushes and got bit. They are becoming harder to see.

I drowned because I had a hard time finding the underwater levers. However, it was a neat death scene--Lara's body floating up.

After picking up the large medipack, and you are going to get the smaller one on the opposite ledge...I thought the medipack was on the ceiling. I was trying to figure out how I was going to get it when I realized it was a ledge.

Going back to the TNT cave, I fell into the river again. Had a hard time figuring out how to climb out of the pit--until I looked up. *DUH*

The noise of the electric fence was annoying. I wanted to see what it would look like to electrocute Lara, but I didn't have a save crystal. <_<

I got caught pulling the underwater levers and was unable to exit for a few seconds. I thought it was an invisible wall, but suddenly I was able to go through.

Taking that running jump over the fence--that is when I had to trust Stella that there was something to land on the other side.

What does anyone think of these guys that just beat up a person for no reason...just because I'm an unauthorized person in a secret military base.

I found stopping the quad bike nearly impossible except when I turned it sideways.

The last scene--that is definitely artistic license. Lara could not get up and walk away from that crash...at least not with her brains intact. I don't care how hard-headed she was.

Time: 1:57:48

Secrets: 3/3

Kills: 28

Ammo Used: 601

Hits: 367

Health Packs: .5

Distance: 6.96

  • 9 months later...

Hey, everybody. Long time no type! :D

I've finally finished my TR2 and Golden Mask replays and am at last ready to move on to TR3! What has it been, like a year now? I know. I'm slooooow! :blush: If anyone is interested in picking up where they left off--or starting fresh with me--I'd love some company.


Hey, everybody. Long time no type! :D

I've finally finished my TR2 and Golden Mask replays and am at last ready to move on to TR3! What has it been, like a year now? I know. I'm slooooow! :blush: If anyone is interested in picking up where they left off--or starting fresh with me--I'd love some company.

Hey, Stella! Hope you still remember me from a FB page where I posted photos of TR2, TR3 and TR4 while playing them. I didn't play TR since one year and I'm totally in. :) TR3 is my favourite game and I would love to play it again.


I'm currently playing it, and as long as there is no problem with me starting from where I am now, I'm in too! I am currently stuck in the South Pacific Levels in Madubu Gorge (not sure if I spelled it correctly). The kayaking seemed cool, but it was a pain. Still, I got through it. However, I can't seem to grab the stupid ceiling in the part after you kill the lizard and croc, but before the burners. I did it once, and I've never been able to do it again. I can't figure out what is wrong! It is such a stupid thing to get stuck on.

I'm playing on a Playstation, which is very frustrating because I can only save when I get a save crystal. I was just starting to really like this game, and now I'm stuck. The last time I was stuck, in the last level of Nevada, I was stuck an entire month! It would be nice if I could get one of the two save crystals while kayaking. I cannot figure out how you can get the one at the beginning of the kayaking level. I've almost gotten it, but not quite. Same thing with the save crystal at the big water fall. I swore I fell right on top of it, but I didn't get it...and I died for the trouble. :(

I don't know how much I'll be able to contribute if I can't get past this....

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently playing it, and as long as there is no problem with me starting from where I am now, I'm in too! I am currently stuck in the South Pacific Levels in Madubu Gorge (not sure if I spelled it correctly). The kayaking seemed cool, but it was a pain. Still, I got through it. However, I can't seem to grab the stupid ceiling in the part after you kill the lizard and croc, but before the burners. I did it once, and I've never been able to do it again. I can't figure out what is wrong! It is such a stupid thing to get stuck on.

I'm playing on a Playstation, which is very frustrating because I can only save when I get a save crystal. I was just starting to really like this game, and now I'm stuck. The last time I was stuck, in the last level of Nevada, I was stuck an entire month! It would be nice if I could get one of the two save crystals while kayaking. I cannot figure out how you can get the one at the beginning of the kayaking level. I've almost gotten it, but not quite. Same thing with the save crystal at the big water fall. I swore I fell right on top of it, but I didn't get it...and I died for the trouble. :(

I don't know how much I'll be able to contribute if I can't get past this....

Yeah, the PlayStation version can really suck at some moment. When I had 3-4 years, my uncle played it on PS and i remember how he got mad when he couldn't save and start again from the last save. As far as I remember, the crystals are blue, aren't they? :) I finished the first level and I have some pictures, I'll post later. :)


Level 1: Jungle


So, the beginning. Ah, I have so much memories about the beginning of this level. First of all, I must say Tomb Raider III is the first TR game I have ever played and because of that is my favourite. I really adore this game, especially because most of the levels are outside levels, not in tombs, chambers etc., and I love the outside levels. Okay, so the beginning... I remember when I had 3 years that I always ran the game on the PlayStation and played this beginning, all the movements I made were shooting in blank and it was so fun for me then! I remmeber what joy was to hear the shoots and to know that I am shooting them (pictures above). :D It was really awesome.

So, now, I love this level and it’s interesting for me. First what I always do when I play it jump and slide down and then jump anf grab on the tree where is a monkey. I kill him, and then slide down where are a big medipack and a shotgun munition. I pick them and then jump on the tree where is a health crystal and munition. Then I slide down and arrive and go to the place where are pick-ups and waterfalls. Ah, I adore this view (picture down), it’s so beautiful. I actually adore those outside details in TR2 and TR3 because they don’t look so real, but still are something. :D I go back in the valley with one small medipack and a monkey sudden to death. This place is really awesome, especially if you use the corner bug and go to the trees. :)


I continue to the room which I opened and then pull the switch. Then I jumped on the window and continued. The upcoming part of the level is my favourite part. The forest where a tigar surprisly come is just wonderful, I adore the environment. :D


The rest of the level is really awesome and I love this level because of its environment and the most of the level is outside. It’s also the first level I have ever seen in TR games, so I am kinda emotional related with it. I always found 4 secrets, I know where is the one that I always miss, not, accidentaly, but I don’t know where is the other and I don’t mind. :)




Posted (edited)

Level 2: Temple Ruins

I don’t remember this level as a child, the first time I played it was 5 or 6 years ago. I don’t like it very much because most of isn’t outside. However, it’s interesting and has a marvelous environment. I don’t use medipacks always, but I am forced on this level because of poison of snakes and trapes.


I first kill the snakes at the begining of the level, and then pull the switch and follow the way to the jungle with river. I pull the switch and continue towards the big hill with monkeys. I really hate this part of the level, seems so dark and dead. It’s interesting if you use the corner bug and go to the top of the hill. :)


The next part is on those trees, marvelous. I didn’t want do pick up the pick-ups on the trees above the begining of the level. The waterfall is just amazing and the way it’s merged with the tree.


The enter to the temple is very dark and mysterious. I like the battle with those big black monstrums. :) I hate the ways to get the two keys which open the door, it’s really annoying for me, as the rest of the level. I like the big chamber where is a man killed in the center of it.


The cinematic at the end of the level is awesome! I adore the moment when Lara shoots at Tony and then she avoid those ruins. Really interesting cutscene.

I accidentaly deleted the progresses of all India levels, so I can't post them. :/

Edited by Stefy

Yeah, the save crystals are blue.

I liked the stone statue with the swords. It reminds me of the scene in the first Tombraider movie. One thing that is good about TR3 is that you can cheat a little bit by using health packs. I wasn't able to ever get out of that switch room with the spiked ceiling fast enough, so I had to use a medipack to survive. You would think I would get very good at that part because I had to redo it so often. I died several times attempting it. Then even after I finished it, I died by drowning in the next part where you have to fight the underwater currents.

Well, folks. I am totally addicted to Lego Star Wars III at the moment and have abandoned TR3. If this thread is still active when I finish with that, then I'll continue to post. Sorry to ditch like this...but right now I feel like a Jedi...or maybe a Sith...than a Tombraider.


Yeah, the save crystals are blue.

I liked the stone statue with the swords. It reminds me of the scene in the first Tombraider movie. One thing that is good about TR3 is that you can cheat a little bit by using health packs. I wasn't able to ever get out of that switch room with the spiked ceiling fast enough, so I had to use a medipack to survive. You would think I would get very good at that part because I had to redo it so often. I died several times attempting it. Then even after I finished it, I died by drowning in the next part where you have to fight the underwater currents.

Well, folks. I am totally addicted to Lego Star Wars III at the moment and have abandoned TR3. If this thread is still active when I finish with that, then I'll continue to post. Sorry to ditch like this...but right now I feel like a Jedi...or maybe a Sith...than a Tombraider.

Yeah, even when I played now, I died twice in the room with spikes.

Well, I hope Stella will keep posting because I'm so keen on playing TR3 right now that I really enjoy this, but I need company. :/


Hello guys!

Its me Eldin with a new profile, I really can't remember my password or e-mail on my last one so I decided to create a new one.

I can still remember the good time on Lara Croft Online Forum, TR2 was a blast and that summer was really special to me, hanging out here and sharing our love for Tomb Raider and Lara was really fun.

I am very exited to do TR3, its been long since I last played it, but I am sure that I won't have big problems fitting in again. Hope to see you all soon. :)


Hello guys!

Its me Eldin with a new profile, I really can't remember my password or e-mail on my last one so I decided to create a new one.

I can still remember the good time on Lara Croft Online Forum, TR2 was a blast and that summer was really special to me, hanging out here and sharing our love for Tomb Raider and Lara was really fun.

I am very exited to do TR3, its been long since I last played it, but I am sure that I won't have big problems fitting in again. Hope to see you all soon. smile.png

E, super. Evo ja ću sada da postavim sledeći level koji sam prešao, pa ćeš bar ti da mi se pridružiš i da imam društvo. Pisao sam Steli na fejsu, igraće i ona verovatno. :)


Level 3: The River Ganges


Oh, this is another level which I know from childhood. I remember the save from the begining of the level. I always walked in the area around the bike and pick the pick-ups of the first secret. I never managed to ride bike across the river, I always fell into the water and died. But, it was really fun chilling around the waterfal for a four-years-old child. :D


Anyway, this level is really short for me. Since I’m not keen on finding all secrets of levels, I just ride the bike and finish the level quickly. I love riding level, but there are several bugs. My favourite part of the level is on the ending where you enter in the caves. That nature detail is just awesome.


I remember I had difficulties in manage some clifs with the bike, even now I die at least twice in this level. Anyway, I remember that I finished it in 11 minutes with no secrets and non-used medi-packs. :)

Posted (edited)

Level 4: Caves of Kaliya

Oh, this level. -.- I always found this level so annoying. :@ I never remember the path to the whole with the snakes and always wander in the caves like crazy. When I played it now, it took me like 18 minutes to find the way to Tony.


If you know the way, it’s very easy to finish the level in like, what, 5 minutes?

:D I love the „boss fight“ at the end of the level, I’m really a fan of them because I adore killing and shooting.


I didn’t mention at the begining, but my favourite weapon are pistols. :) No, I’m lying, it’s uzis, but I can’t use them until London level ’cause I don’t look for secrets. :D I always look to pass the levels with pistols, I don’t often use any other weapon like shotgun etc. I really miss those automatic pistols from TR2, I like them, too



Anyway, I had several problems in killing Tony this time I played because I hadn’t done it for a long time. Anyway, my strategy is that when you slide down you shoot at him (picture above) as long as he shoots you with fire. Then going in circle across the room and shooting at him jumping from platform to platform (picture down). You can’t do it with shotgun, and with pistols, you could use just one, but, for me, it’s the best way in killing him.


When I kill him, I pick up the pick-ups (I don’t know why since in the second level in Nevada, you lose everything). The progress was 22 minutes, none secrets, none medi-packs. :)


I never really understood the storyline of any TR game. I remember that I wanted to do it last year when I replayed TR2 and TR3 without cheats for the first time in my life. I understood the TR2 storyline, but the TR3 not really. xD I got stuck on TR4 and I have in plans to replay all along TR6, and then again from begining.


My next destination after India is always Nevada, then South Pacific, and London at the end. I don’t know why, but I think it’s the best order. :)

Edited by Stefy

E, super. Evo ja ću sada da postavim sledeći level koji sam prešao, pa ćeš bar ti da mi se pridružiš i da imam društvo. Pisao sam Steli na fejsu, igraće i ona verovatno. :)

Great, my friend Luka will join us as well, so you won't be alone. ;) even though we need to start from the beginning and it will take some time to reach your location, but we are here to have fun first right?

Great, my friend Luka will join us as well, so you won't be alone. wink.png even though we need to start from the beginning and it will take some time to reach your location, but we are here to have fun first right?

Yeah, don't worry. I started to play three days ago and I'm on High Security Compound right now. You will reach us fast if you know the game very well. :) Cheers! :D

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