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Lara Croft Online Tomb Raider Forum



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Everything posted by CookieMan

  1. Not sure if you're still having trouble with this but once you 'get it' it's easy (I find). It's all about rhythm and timing. Hold down 'forward' (or 'left', 'right, 'down' if the camera angle is different) and then hit 'jump' as you aim for the first pole. As soon as you grab the pole, hit 'jump' again (very quick tap) and still holding the direction in place, tap 'jump' each time Lara grabs the next pole. She'll just swing all the way across all four poles and grab the ledge on the other side. All I can say is get a feel for the rhythm - it's almost musical. :-) Once I 'got it' I never had problems with these quick pole-to-pole jumps ever again.
  2. You begin with the grapple automatically when you play the actual game - it just isn't in your inventory like it is when you play Croft Manor. :-)
  3. #1) I Play TRA On the Wii #2) TR1 original had Save Crystals but TRA kept the Checkpoints like in Legend. What is your opinion on this? Do you think this was a good idea? I don't mind either #3) Out of the following new features that were presented in TRA, Which of the following was your favorite and least favorite? - Wall Run - Favourite - Adrenaline Dodge - Least Favourite - Balancing Over Poles - Neutral Also, which one did you master the fastest, and which one became a little bit more complicated for you to get use to? Mastered 'Balancing Over Poles' first (easy), still not mastered the 'Adrenaline Dodge' #4) Interactive Cutscenes made a return, YAY or NAY? If NAY please give a brief explanation. NAY - these seemed out of place to me. I'd rather have had non-interactive cut-scenes all the way through and fought Larson, Pierre, Kid and Kold #5) Cistern and the Tomb of Tihocan have been merged into a single level. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think they should have just kept them as two separate levels? I didn't mind too much. I enjoyed the water puzzle on this level although maybe a little extra for the actual Tomb would have been nice. #6) Worst remade level was none. I thought they were all very well done. #7) Best remade level was The Sanctuary of the Scion because I was always disappointed with the look of the great Sphinx in the original. I thought it looked spectacular in TRA #8) Did you get to collect every Relic? Or are you still on the hunt for them? If you are still on the hunt for them...which ones are you missing and where? Got them all. Took me 45 hours of play on the first run through to make sure that I got everything. #9) Which Relic did you find first? Killer Whale Bottle #10) Which Relic was your favorite? Griffin Head. I was just so pleased to get it after about a hundred attempts. #11) Relics are used to unlock new outfits. Which outfit was your favorite and least favorite? - Wet Suit - Classic Lara - Camouflage - Catsuit Favourite. She looks cool in this. - Legend - Golden Least Favourite - hate the colour. - Doppelganger - Scorched Natla - Croft Manor Sport #12) Lara's Wet Suit in TR2 read SOLA on her chest, did you noticed that in TRA SOLA was substituted with designs? Didn't notice. #13) Did you get to collect all Artifacts? Or are you still missing some/most of them? Yep. Got them all. #14) Did you like Winstons new look? Yes or No and Why? He was OK but I think I preferred the doddery old version with the tray. #15) Do you miss Lara's Obstacle Course? Yes #16) Did you manage to complete Croft Manor's Time Trial? If yes, do you remember the time you made it in? Not done any Time Trials yet #17) Unlike in Legend, in TRA you can go outside of Lara's mansion, Do you feel like they could have added the Quad Bike area like in TR3 or just overall added more things to do outside? Yes. More would have been nice. #18) Hardest boss battle was Natla because dodging those fireballs whilst trying to keep the Wii remote aimed correctly at Natla was a nightmare #19) Easiest boss battle was T-Rex because it was pretty easy to keep out of it's way and lead it to the spikes #20) Legless mutant make-over...Liked or Didn't Liked? Why? Liked. I enjoyed it's new moves (particularly the digestive maneuver!) #21) T-Rex make-over...Liked or Didn't Liked? Why? Liked it - it was an interesting fight and a good introduction to boss fights - but I didn't find it as scary as the original #22) Natla's make-over...Liked or Didn't Liked? Why? Liked it. I thought she looked great. Hated fighting her though! #23) Pierre Or Larson in TRA? Pierre #24) My favorite level was The Lost Valley because it looked great and I enjoyed solving the cog puzzle #25) My least favorite level was Midas' Palace because I had problems with the Spike Pillar room for some reason. #26) The easiest level was Mountain Caves because it was straightforward and the puzzles didn't really take much working out. #27) The hardest level was The Final Conflict because of the fight with Natla. I got through the fight without dieing but I did have to use neraly all my medipacks. #28) Anything else that you would like to add or say, please do so now. Loved the game! Really hope they do TR2 as an Anniversary edition as well (I loved that game). Thought the Wii version of TRA was excellent. I found aiming with the Wii remote a problem for the fights though, particularly Natla and the Centaurs. I also found that after an hour of play, Lara would start throwing her grapple with just the slighest move of the hand holding the Nunchuk and that was annoying (I had to hold the Nunchuk upright to stop this). Any other Wii players experienced this at all?
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