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Lara Croft Online Tomb Raider Forum



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Posts posted by Stellalune

  1. 9 hours ago, Kaoss1977 said:


    No fast travel and all 6 of my save slots are in the same base ?

    its amazing they designed this place with one way in and no way out!!!

    That's so strange. The level is not designed that way. If you can't fast travel using the Soviet Facility base camp, there's something wrong with your game. Just so I can better understand what's going on, what happens exactly when you sit down at the Soviet Facility base camp and attempt to use the Fast Travel menu? Is the Fast Travel option missing/grayed out, or can you just not select a new location on the map? I'm trying to figure out why it might be malfunctioning but I need more details about the "symptoms".

    Meanwhile, I would suggest contacting Square Enix and/or Microsoft/Xbox support. Of course this would happen right before the weekend, but hopefully they have tech people on duty.

  2. Hi, Kaoss. You should be able to reach the Soviet Facility base camp, which is just to the northeast of the spot you show in your video. (I've included screenshots below.) Once you reach that camp, you should, at least in theory, be able to fast travel out to any other camp, but if the fast travel function isn't working at all, then I don't know.

    If all else fails, on Xbox One you can restore a backup save by opening the Load Game screen and then holding both trigger buttons simultaneously. This should give you the option to go back to your last campsite save. Then you should be able to fast travel to wherever you need to be.




  3. 10 hours ago, scalad said:

    Hi. I am playing the baba yaga dlc part of Rise of the Tomb Raider on pc. Are there any save files I can download for it? I keep dying when you fight the boss. Thanks

    HI, scalad. The problem with Baba Yaga is that you can play it any time after leaving the Gulag in the Soviet Installation, so my save probably doesn't correspond with yours. I played Baba Yaga after finishing the main story because that DLC hadn't been released yet when I was making save files. If you want my save, you're welcome to it, but it'll place you at the end of the game, story completed, everything collected. Another alternative would be to load your last campsite save, fast travel out of the vale, and continue through the main game until you feel up to dealing with the witch. Or, if you want to send me your current save, I'll finish the witch fight for you--as long as you don't have the difficulty set on Extreme Survivor. I don't know if I could do that. ;)

  4. 11 hours ago, Shrensh said:

    I'm just at the bit with the Minotaur, so I gave the motorcycle bug a try and it worked great :D No more annoying Minotaur! ?

    And of course I just had to do the setting Lara alight and running to trigger a cutscene thing in the Citadel Gate


    Awesome! Can't wait to try both. 

    Just finished Desert Railroad. Not much new there, just a few screenshots where before there weren't any. (Hurrah for cable instead of dial-up internet!)

    One new trick came from a player named Chelle who sent it to me ages ago. As you're heading back toward the front of the train, there's a cutscene where two assassins jump from moving trucks onto the train. If you fire a flash grenade just before the cutscene starts, you can blind the assassins and they'll miss their jumps and fall onto the siding. You can also use it before the earlier cutscene, but you need to use the all-weapons cheat there, since you won't have the grenade launcher yet.


  5. Finished Guardian of Semerkhet with only 100 more screenshots. ? No major discoveries this time. I debated including the first secret after releasing the guardian but ultimately decided to leave it as is. Man, I hate that bull, but compared to the Minotaur in the Citadel Gate, he's practically cuddly. This time, when I get to that level, I'm definitely going to try the bug where you use the motorbike to destroy the Minotaur. Has anyone else had any luck with it?

    I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't gotten that far yet, but here's a video (not mine) if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVCEbztPjik


  6. Hey, everybody. Tidying up the Tomb of Semerkhet and hope to post later today. I'm adding about 200 screenshots. YIKES!

    Just curious: what's your preferred method for getting past these circular blade traps? Stand very close and roll as they open? Stand on the seam between tiles just before the trap and backflip? Diving roll? Other? I'll probably mention several, but I'm trying to figure out which one to make primary. I'm leaning toward the first option.

    Also, what do you think about shortcuts? I obviously can't include every possible one or the walkthrough would be twice as long, but I'm considering adding a separate page with a few corner/railing bug options for bypassing the Rules of Senet, the senet game itself, and the rope swinging. Is that something you'd want to see if you were looking for a walkthrough, or should I just stick to the basics?



    @Shrensh Gotta love the Egyptian Adventure! It's even better than Professor Worth's King Arthur Museum in Legend! ?

  7. Welcome, @Mariana Croft ! I'm so glad you were able to set up an account. Thanks for helping us with that, @Tom@LCO:)

    I'm glad you're enjoying the game. I'm still in the Tomb of Semerkhet but I hope to finish tonight or tomorrow. I've been going slowly, trying different things, and making lots of screenshots.

    That's so cute your dog's name is Lara. I'll bet she is adorable. Is she adventurous and persistent like the heroine she is named after?

    You can tell your husband my favorite Tomb Raiders are TR1 (my first ever) and Rise of the Tomb Raider, my favorite so far of the Crystal Dynamics games. Which ones do you two like best?


  8. 2 hours ago, Lauren3101 said:

    Hey everyone, how's the play through going? I completed it the other day with no medi packs used. I tried to post a picture on here but it keeps saying it's too large.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's a way to improve the graphics a little on the PS2? I have noticed from the PC screenshots and videos they are always much clearer.


    I'm hoping to start playing again later today. Just had a lot going on lately. As for the PS2 quality, I wish I had an answer for you. Maybe someone who's actually played on the PS2 will have ideas. I've heard some people say using component cables helps a little, but the general consensus is to use an older, standard aspect ratio TV/monitor--or a really new monitor with an upscale/auto-adjust function. Once you start enlarging/stretching the image, it's just never going to be that good. :(

  9. 6 minutes ago, Tom@LCO said:

    I replied to your email dunno what happened. Amazing the forum got upgraded and the ReCAPTCHA got upgraded also

    and I removed the question challenge as they claim the new version now can better tell if you are a human or a bot better.

    Tell me to try now should be fine!

    Thanks, Tom! Still not seeing the email, but I'll check my spam folder, etc. I will let her know to try again. Really appreciate the help. :) So, kinda OT, but did you go to the Tribeca event? I couldn't make it down but saw the panel on Twitch. They didn't show the demo though. :(


  10. Hey, all. I'm still alive, but between work, the breaking Shadow of the Tomb Raider news, and some minor family crises, I just haven't had much time to play lately. I hope you're all still having fun.

    @Tom@LCO I sent you an email about someone else having trouble creating an account. As far as I can tell, her IP address is not blocked, but she keeps getting an error when she tries to solve the 1 + 1 = ? test. I tried creating a new account myself and also got that error, so I think something's wrong on your end.

  11. @RunLararun Excellent timing! Congratulations on the new computer and welcome to the group. If you need any help setting up your old games, just give a shout. It's been ages since I played last Revelation as well, and I'm really enjoying it. TR1 is probably my favorite of the classics, but I forgot how much I like this game.

  12. 48 minutes ago, Lauren3101 said:

    So far, so good! I got through the bit with the scarabs with about a quarter life lost which I was quite happy with. I'm starting to get nervous about the bit with the guardian, and I've just remembered those awful circular blade traps too - pretty sure I always got through a few medi-pack going through them lol. 

    Out of interest is anyone here going to the composer buffet reception on the 28th April? 


    Good luck with it. Just save a lot and reload if necessary. :)
    And no to the reception, unfortunately. I'm on the east coast of the US, so halfway between the two receptions and no time/$ for travel. Are you going? If so, I hope you have a blast!

  13. So how is everybody doing? I finished my taxes, so I'll have more time for gaming now. Yay! :D

    I uploaded revised walkthroughs for the second visits to Temple of Karnak, Hypostyle Hall, and Sacred Lake. There are still some rough edges, and I haven't proofread anything yet, but I'm making progress. It's definitely bringing back some fond memories. Heading into Tomb of Semerkhet now. It was never one of my favorite levels--despite being a "tomb raider," I prefer the sunny outdoors--but I'm looking forward to trying out some shortcuts and other suggestions people have sent in. I'll keep you guys posted.

  14. On 4/12/2018 at 6:13 AM, Lara_Croft said:

    I have windows 10 and it is a GOG file

    Cool. Same here. That should make it easier to solve. I wrote the original instructions using the GOG version, but I have not seen the pop-up about Optimal Resolution that you got. FWIW, I have not tinkered with the compatibility settings at all. Maybe try downloading my patched tomb4.exe file and using it to replace your original. I have it set for 1920x1080, 1050 camera distance, 350 fov. If that works but you want different settings, just let me know and I'll re-run the patch and send you the updated program file. If it doesn't work, we'll get Ed, the guy who created the patch, to come in and help.

  15. 3 hours ago, Lara_Croft said:

    Hi @Stellalune

    I am having trouble with the widescreen patch, I've followed your instructions, but only the FOV and camera distance work. I also never had "thik" Lara but i do have black pillar boxes on the side.

    I get this notification everytime I run the game.

    These compatibility settings seems to have no difference, I've tried multiple options

    Do you have any advice? Not a train smash in the end of the day, but a nice-to-have.

    Thank you x


    Hi, @Lara_Croft. I'm not sure why that's happening but I'll see what I can find out. I am in touch with the guy who made the original patch, and he may be able to help. Just so I have all the info, are you playing with the CD version of the game and what version of Windows do you have?

  16. On 4/9/2018 at 11:06 AM, ColouredCascade said:

    Raiders! I am having so much fun playing TRTLR and I just had to share my victory!!! I won the game of Senet on the third try! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD You can't see much in the screenshot, but that was my last move before I won... this made my day.


    Nice! Now don't forget to reload and lose so you can get that third secret. :D

    EDIT: Make that the next several secrets. Replaying Semerkhet now, and I forgot how much you miss if you win.

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