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Lara Croft Online Tomb Raider Forum



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Everything posted by wetland

  1. Isnt TRA meant to be basd on tr1, NOT THE MOVIE! So why do we want an interior like the movie?
  2. OMG these look amazing, the anticipation is buliding. Thanks for posting
  3. Thanks so much, if i remember rightly AOD was released at the end of april, begginnig of may.
  4. Is there an official release for the uk? does anyone know if it will be out for 360? as i would prefer to play it on 360 than my ps2
  5. I get mine from online or theres a retro gaming shop where i get them from.
  6. Yay im not the only one, although I think if they combined the both, with perhapes more of the old, it could be fantastic.
  7. If you have a ps1 or ps2 i recommend buying tr for that. Even if you dont, buy a ps1 cheap just for the tr games lol. They are that good.
  8. I started playing tr1 just before christmas and it still has its old magic. The atmosphere in st. francis folly is imense. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up its almost freaky when you go through the thor and democles door and the music starts, i love it so much. Even to this day i still keep digging out the game every so often. Also i completed it again and fancied playing trII which i hadnt played in years, so i went and bought it and now im on opera house, still though, the anticipation is growing as march gets closer. Anyone else have any thoughts?
  9. can i just ask, am i the only one who wasnt keen on the legend mansion? I didnt hate it i just much, much, prefer the classic mansion.
  10. I think a combination of both. As its gonna be based on TR1 i think it should have some classic things, such as the butler you can lock in the walk in freezer, the outside assult course, puzzles to find keys and trophy rooms like in tr2 and tr3 i also would love either a quad bike course or motorcycle course. Any other thoughts anyone??
  11. Stunning, absolutly stunning, thank you so much , these are great
  12. same here, i thinks its a great combination of both
  13. what do you prefer vice city or san andreas. I personally prefer vice city, becuase of the story lines, the atmosphere and shire fantastic gameplay and scenes, I also thought the gameplay was great.
  14. They are changing her look in aniversary so she looks like she was meant to in tr1 not one of the later trs, By the way, how really can you prefer angel of darkness to legend, I respect your opinion but, i honestly cant see what you like more about angel of darkness.
  15. The dvd will probably take ages to load on most normal dvd players. If you are going to play it, its best to play it with something that has decant hardware like a 360 or pc, i find this with most dvd games
  16. yea thats how most games go, they make different films for commercial use
  17. OMG These are awesome i so can't wait. The weird thing is i kept suggesting to people before legend came out that they should remake tr 1. Spooky
  18. Should have relitivly the same requirments as legend as they use the same engine, so u could find out the requirments for legend and then they should be the same as that.
  19. The are absolutley awsome, i love the collosium ones as it is one of my favourite levels along with the lost valley, thank you so much, this is as good as it gets, pure perfection
  20. Fair enough , I think the cutscenes in 1 were better than 2 so if we can see them in story so far i rekon that would be awesome.
  21. I really want to see vehicles like in 7, maybe even more.
  22. i know wot u mean i really hope the cutscenes are good.
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